Whether your school is going back full swing, doing hybrid, or if your a parent taking on the new challenges of homeschooling this is for you.

Ways for teachers to get to know their students virtually.
Name Game
As a whole class you can go in a circle saying your name and then a animal, thing, character, or something similar that begins with the first letter of your name. It would go something like this: One student would start Marcus Monkey, then the next would go Marcus Monkey, Emily Eel and then the next Marcus Monkey, Emily Eel, Lilianna Lama and etc.
The Skittle/M&M Game
If your students don't have any colored candy or if you don't want to use them that is okay. You can alternate it and use colored paper and have the students write the name of the classmates and their responses on the appropriate colored page. Take the colors of your candies or paper you will be using and assign a question to each one. For example: Red- What was your favorite thing you did over the summer? Green- What are you looking forward to doing this school year? When it is time to play create separate chat rooms for 3-4 students to go to and ask the question and allow 3-5 minutes for them to talk it over before switching up the groups for a new question. I highly recommend you to join in on this game too.
Ways for teachers to get to know their students in the classroom
You can play all the above games in your classroom, but here are some hands-on games you can play too.
Name Tag Game
This is a great game if the students don't know each others names yet or at least very well. Have each student write down three things about themselves and their name on a index card. Or if the students know each others names well just don't have them write their names on it. Then pass them out so every student has a different card. Then allow them to go around and figure out whose card is whose.
Caterpillar Get to know you
Split your class evenly in half and have them create two lines facing each other. Then give them a question like, Would you rather have a pool party or a movie night, and why? Then have them say their name and respond to the question to the person cross from them. Allow 2-3 minutes then tell one line to move right two spaces and the other line to move one space right. If the people are at the end they just walk around to the other end. Then ask a new question. If you are doing this during COVID-19 the whole 6ft apart probably won't work out.
Getting to know your new student(s) and child(ren) for the parent (teacher)
You probably know your child pretty well, but how do you know them in a academic sense? While your child spends most of their days within a school building, extra circular activities, before and after school programs, and sleeping. That's a lot of time you don't get to spend with them so now is the perfect time to get to know your child a little more. If you are struggling I have a few things bellow that might help.
Learn how your child learns best
Do they learn best in the living room, at a desk, or with no noise? Do they learn best through listening, doing, or seeing? If they are younger I suggest that you do things with them in different spots to see where they learn and how they learn best. If they are older sit down and talk to them and see how and where they think they learn best. There are even tests online you can have them take to find out an idea of how they learn best.
Find a curriculum or program that works for them
Once you know how they learn research like crazy on what curriculum or program you want to use and invest in. Try it out and if it isn't working go back to the drawing board. Some kids may need a variety of different curriculum who knows. Your third grader may be in 4th grade math, but 2nd grade reading and that's okay! Just cater to their needs.
Take time with them
Hang out with them while they work at some point in your day and be open for them to have you help them. They aren't going to teach themselves. Take time with them and be patient. You don't have any deadlines to meet in homeschool and no state tests to pass by the end of the school year. You want them to master it rather them to fail and be clueless about it later. Also time to spend with them personally without school being the center of attention. Just because you spend time with them doing school doesn't mean it replaces your personal time with them.