A modification is changing something so that another student who may need assistance can do the same things just in a different way that they can succeed. Today we are going to learn different ways we can make modifications in the classroom and curriculum.

Environmental Supports
To encourage learning, participation, and engagement by changing the physical and or social environment. You can do this by putting labels on shelves to help kids see where toys belong.
Materials Adaptations
Changes to items or items that are specially made to help with specific needs. For example bigger crayons, left handed scissors, and pencil grips.
Simplify the Activity
Take the original activity or task and simplify it by cutting down the number of steps needed to complete the task.
Child Preferences
See what children enjoy and then incorporate those things into day to day life to encourage them to participate and stay engaged,
Special Equipment
Have special equipment in your classroom that can assist those with special needs. Such as loop scissors, larger keyboards, or whiteboards.
Adult Supports
A adult shadows the child in activities and only assisting when needed or asked too.
Peer Support
A child who may need assistance could be paired with a buddy that is their same age who models what to do during curtain activities and may give assistance to them when needed or asked too.
Invisible Support
Intentionally plan when and how to do certain things to best help that child. Have them answer first or plan for them to do something different during certain times if they are easily frustrated with a certain activity.
What are some other ways you think we could help children who may need some modifications to the material we teach and present in class? Comment below.