This post is going to go over a lot about assessments in early childhood development.

What is assessment?
Assessment is the process of gathering information about children from several forms of evidence, then organizing and interpreting that information.
Why do we assess children?
- To monitor children's learning and development.
- To guide our planning and decision making.
- To identify children who may benefit from special help.
- Screening
- To report and communicate with others.
- Program evaluation
Good assessment always:
- Uses multiple sources of evidence, including teacher observations recorded over time.
- Occurs in a variety of situations
- Makes the child comfortable; assessment by a familiar adult is best.
- engages the child's interest and is in their range of ability. Asking a two-year-old to write their name is pointless and frustrating for all.
Good sound assessment is...
- reliable and solid
- free of bias
- (DAP) developmentally appropriate
Who and what do you assess?
- The children
- Informal; running record, anecdotal recording, checklist, rating scale, frequency count, diary, portfolio, and technology methods.
- Formal; standardized testing, screening with dial 4, and ASQ's
- Yourself
- The environment
- ECERS; Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale
- ITERS; Infant Toddler Environment Rating Scale
What is CLASS?
- The assessment of the interaction between child and teacher
- Richness of interaction
- Is done once or twice a year
- Has three domains
- Emotional support
- Classroom organization
- Instructional support
What is DECA?
- Assess the areas of social and emotional
- Child centered
- It is data driven
What is DROP?
- Individual child assessment
- Completed by the teacher
- Observation based
- It is done in a natural setting
- Provides a snapshot of a childs development