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Early Childhood in China

Writer's picture: Aleya BeadlesAleya Beadles

Today we are going to spotlight China whisch is the country highlighted in yellow.

China's History to Present

The first Kindergaten in China was built in 1903, but was based on a lot of Japanese traditions. This continued for the next decade or so untill the New Culture Movement which occured in the mid 1910's to 1920's. This is when China decided to base their Kindergarten curriculum on Chinese traditions and western theroists like Maria Montessori and John Dewey. The first Chinese Kindergarten curriculum standard was created in 1912 and lasted up to the 1940's. China's Early Childhood Education (ECE) Experienced great growth between the 1950's and 1960's. It was during the Chinese Cultural Revolution that all schools and early childhood centers came under attack and were all shut down but one. Finally in the 1980's early childhood began to recover. From this time till about 2010 early childhood in China went through a line of policies and it became less and less popular. Maybe due to the affects of the one child policy. I am not for certain though. In 2010 early childhood took on a new era and the National Plans for Medium- and LongTerm Education Reform and Development which would make sure that early education was availble.

Early Childhood in 1980's Early Childhood Now

China's Curriculum

The curriculum used began with the Guidlines for Kidergarten Education in the 1980's. It covered teaching 8 different content domains and focused on the importance of play. As well as encouraged the cooperation of Kidergartens and families due to the one child policy. From here the have implimented different curriculums such as the action theory, Zone of Proximal Development, Reggio Emilia approuch, and project approuch. At this poin they use a child centered curriculum which focuses on respecting the child and life long learning.

Other Notes

As far as ratios go it is usually 2 teachers and 1 care worker to 20-35 children. Sometimes bigger classes will be attened to by the same ratio of staff. This occurs a lot in rural areas.

Childcare for 0-3 year olds is not as common and many are usually custodial care and some are even are boarding facilaties.

Works Cited

Yew Chung History. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23, 2020, from

Early Childhood Education 1980's


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