When bringing art into your classroom you want to make sure that you leave it open-ended and leave your focus on the process rather than the product. How do you do that?

Leave A Space For Art
By allowing space for art you are containing the area of mess and are also allowing for art experiences to flow. This helps you focus on the process over the product. Children won't feel rushed while doing art since you don't have to rush to clean up for the next activity. Children can leave their art and go outside, have luch, or do group and then come back to it after.
Have Them Tell You About Their Art
When talking with a child about their art tell them to tell you about their art. You want to avoid saying things like I like your house you drew. What looks to you like a house may actually be a rime machine or a far away land of gumdrops to them. By assuming what they drew or by saying what did you make can bring the child down and cause them to focus more on the end product than the process of having fun creating. They may think that they need to make houses for you rather then time machines and lands far away with gumdrops.
Hang Inspiring art In Your Classroom
By doing this you are not telling them to make these things you are just hanging them in your classroom as inspiration. They may make something related to those things hanging or they may not. Who knows they may even come up with a story about one of the pictures you've hung.
Art Reflects The Child
By focusing on the process of art you not only get creative pieces of work, but you also get to have a widow int a child's life. Things they may think or things that are going on at home. Another good reason to have them tell you about the things they make.
Put Their Artwork On Display
This helps build self-esteem. It also makes your classroom feel more like theirs.They get to see a reflection of their own work rather than a cookie cutter image of everything from the ABC;s to pictures of community helprs. It keeps your classroom colorful and cheery in a way too.