Teaching science to preschoolers may be out of the picture for some, may seem like a drag to others, or to some, it may seem like the best idea ever. Whatever your thoughts are on the idea, you need to be implementing science in your child and or class. Today we are going to talk about how we can enrich science in a child's world.

Here are the 10 tips to support children's science learning.
1) Value your child's questions
2) Explore and find the answers together
3) Give children time and space to explore
4) Accept that explorations are often messy
5) Learn from mistakes together
6) Invite curiosity
7) Support further exploration
8) Encourage children to record their observations
9) Make good use of your electronic devices
10) Use items you have at home to experiment and explore
I love all of these tips! While reading this article it really opened my eyes to new ideas and strategies. A lot of it seems like basics, but it was nice to have it spelled out to me. Some things I loved about this article were how they encouraged family involvement, that exploration is messy and that takes time and space, and it doesn't have to be expensive or extravagant.
While doing an inquiry-based learning curriculum I can value children's questions, use the materials I have at home, and give them time and space to learn. Sure, I would love to incorporate all of the tips given but those three stood out to me and I would make it the best of my efforts to use them during my inquiry-based learning activities.
I absolutely loved how they shared different questions children might ask and how you could explore that idea with them. Who knows I could even use some of the activities they mentioned as well in my classroom.
I learned from this article how I could teach children science in a simple, but in a enriching way too young children.
Note this is just a reflection on the article 10 Tips to Support Children's Science Learning
Works Cited
Lan, Y.-C. (n.d.). 10 Tips to Support Children's Science Learning. Retrieved January 24, 2020, from https://www.naeyc.org/our-work/families/support-science-learning