Today we are going to look at 5 ideas that promote science in the classroom.

1) Provide opportunities for children to unleash their inner scientist.
I would plan open-ended science based activities. This would allow the children to discover new things on their own rather than a teacher showing them it. The process is what matters and the product doesn't.
2) Listen to and acknowledge children's science questions and ideas.
Children ask a lot of questions so I would be more open to their questions and ideas and help them answer those questions or try their ideas with them. The more open-ended the activity I feel the more ideas and questions you'll get.
3) Shift your focus from explaining concepts to facilitating science inquiry.
I tend to explain and show when I teach so I think just allowing the children to be free with a science activity with very few directions would help spark some science inquiry in the children.
4) Take advantage of the science potential of everyday materials and experiences.
I don't like science so I don't always see the potential of everyday materials and experiences as an science learning opportunity. This just means I;ll have to do some more research and put more thought and effort into anything I teach related to science.
5) Seek out high-quality science and STEAM resources.
There are a lot of websites that are centered around STEAM and so I would look int those places. NAEYC is a solid and reliable place as well. I could even talk to other teacher to gain high-quality science and STEAM resources,